Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Anthony Nava enjoys touring throughout the Ohio Valley area, as a solo artist, Anthony is an accomplished musician who tours nationwide for concerts, American Indian events, museums, fairs, and festivals. Anthony also teaches about Cultural Diversity at local colleges and teaches American Indian culture, dance and music at schools reaching grades K-12. Anthony was influenced to teach children about his culture when he saw a lack of information regarding American Indians in schools, and also felt the need to help to remove stereotypes surrounding Indigenous Peoples' of America.
Anthony will be at Caldwell County School system on Monday, November 26th and will have a presentation at the George Coon Library at 7:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend.
“ I teach the importance of Oral Traditions, Social Structure of our Peoples', Religious Aspects, Tribal Politics, Family Structure, Economics (trade system), Medicines, Foods (gathering, hunting and how the people prepared and cooked food), I explain the importance of Regalia, and demonstrate many types of dances. In music, I explain the many types of instruments and songs. I use rattles, flutes and drums, and teach the importance of why they were used in our traditions and culture in the past and why they are still used today.”
Trail of Tear Memorial Walk, Saturday September 8th
Mural Unveiled!
Come out on November 1, 2007
And be a part
Of the
Unveiling of the 1st Trail of Tears
On South Jefferson Street
At 10:00 am
Mayor Cherry will give a proclamation on behalf of Princeton for Native American History Month
For more information about the Trail of Tears Commission, contact 365-2031 or 365-5393 or email
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
November is Kentucky Native American Month
WHEREAS, the month of November of each year is observed in Kentucky as "Native American Indian Month" and during this month schools, clubs, and civic and religious organizations are encouraged to recognize the contributions of Native American Indians with suitable ceremony and fellowship designed to promote greater understanding and brotherhood between Native American Indians and the non-Native American Indian people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
WHEREAS, prior to the first day of November of each year, the Governor issues a proclamation inviting and urging the people of the Commonwealth to observe Native American Indian Month with suitable ceremony and fellowship.
WHEREAS, the Kentucky Department of Education, Kentucky Heritage Council, and the Native American Heritage Commission, within the limits of funds available for this purpose, make information available to all people of this Commonwealth regarding Native American Indian Month and the observance thereof.
WHEREAS, the City Princeton/Caldwell County Trail of Tears Commissions wish to establish a special observance to celebrate a strong, proud people with a deep faith in nature and its awesome power and an indomitable spirit that has allowed them to always persevere; and
WHEREAS, Native American Indians are so important to our history that they were even responsible for naming this Land of Plenty, Kentucke; and
WHEREAS, Native American Indians have played a vital role in the life of our Commonwealth, and their many contributions have enhanced the freedom, prosperity, and greatness of Kentucky; and
WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Kentucky is committed to remembering these contributions and to honoring the unique heritage of our state's first inhabitants; and
WHEREAS, a special observance would reflect our Commonwealth's commitment to the Native American Indians as an integral part of the social, political, and economic fabric of the state of Kentucky; and
WHEREAS, a special observance would embody the fundamental belief of Kentuckians that people of widely varied and diverse cultural backgrounds must stand united together to make this great Commonwealth strong;
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it enacted by the Commission shall observe November as Native American Month in Princeton, Kentucky in honor of the Native Americans who lived in Kentucky and also in solemn remembrance of those Native Americans who passed through Caldwell County on the Trail of Tears during the 1830’s.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Annual Membership Meeting
Ritchie McKinney speaks to the Trail of Tears Annual Meeting about the planned murals for the Brown Building.
About twenty-one attended the Princeton Trail of Tears Commission Annual Membership Meeting at the George Coon Public Library. Tony Merrick give a short presentation on the Cherokee Brave Civil War era Flag.
The purpose of the meeting was mostly to tell the public that we have finished the phases planned on the park. It is ready for the public to begin using, and we will continue working on new parts of the park, Big Springs, plantings etc... We will be dedicating the park on the first weekend of June 2008, along with participating in the Pennington Folk Music Festival. Special guests will be invited and there will be a program at the park.
John Humphries talked about the purpose of the group is to create a forum to continually educate the public about the effects that President Andrew Jackson's actions in 1830 effect us today.
Refreshments were served and new members joined the group to work on the upcomming events. Upcoming events include the Blackpatch Memorial Walk, Geneology Workshop, Caldwell County Bike Ride, and Native American Cultural Workshop in the spring.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Annual Membership Meeting

The Princeton/Caldwell County Trail of Tears Commission invites the public to a general membership meeting. The meeting will be held on Thursday evening, July 26th, at 7:pm at the George Coon Library at 114 S. Harrison St., Princeton. Chairman John Humphries will introduce the present commission members, give a brief history of the organization and its goals, and tell about the work done on the new Trail of Tears Park.
Tony Merrick will give a short presentation on the Cherokee Brave Civil War era Flag. Ritchie McKinney will unveil plans for the new Trail of Tears Mural to be on the Brown building by First Southern Bank.
Refreshments will be served. The public is encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Judy Boaz at the George Coon Library at 365-2884.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Glen E. Martin will gather the walkers together at 7:30 a.m.
The One-Mile Memorial Walk will begin at 8:00 a.m. at the Trail of Tears Park
across from Big Springs on Washington Street in downtown Princeton,
and will proceed to Market Street and Plum Street, returning to the Trail of Tears Park.
At 9:00 a.m. there will be a Historical presentation and Dedication of the Park.
Doors Prizes will be distributed to those who are registered walkers.
Registration Information
Participants in the Walk are asked to Pre-register. The first 100 Pre-registered participants will receive a T-shirt and entry packet. Pre-registration begins on August 1 and will run until September 1, 2007. The cost is $12.00 per person; children under 7 must register but will walk for free. There will be Late registration the day of the Walk from 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. at the Trail of Tears Park. The Walk will be held, rain or shine. No refunds will be given.
For more information call: John Humphries 365-7751
Judy Boaz 365-2884
Sherry Jordan 365-5393
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Pre-Registration Form – Princeton, Caldwell County One-Mile Trail of Tears Memorial Walk
Saturday, September 8, 2007 8:00 a.m.
Name _____________________________________________________________
Age _______________Phone _____________________T-Shirt Size ____________
Address ____________________________________________________________
Make checks for $12.00 payable to: Princeton/Caldwell County Trail of Tears Commission
Mailing address: 1500 South Jefferson Street, Princeton, Kentucky 42445- 6043
Additional forms available at the George Coon Public Library, the Princeton Tourism Center, the Princeton/Caldwell County Chamber of Commerce Office, and the Princeton Electric Plant Board